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The Rev. Dr. Keith Copeland
Transitional Pastor

Keith Copeland is a Transitional Pastor, assisting congregations in moving toward the new future God is preparing for them. He has served as a settled pastor in three congregations including one Presbyterian Church. After receiving training in the PCUSA he has served 15 congregations as intentional transitional pastor in 3 denominations and two different states. He received his D Min from Hood Theological Seminary with special focus on church renewal. Currently he serves as chair of the Interim Ministry Association of the ELCA and is on faculty with the Interim Ministry Network. 

Ami-Luise Vucovich

Office Administrator

I was introduced to St. Luke’s by my husband Michael and is a helping member of the Live Stream Team to keep the services available during Covid. I found my Higher Power, God through my recovery program and look to take it one day at a time and to just let God take the wheel. I really enjoy being able to give back to the church and its members because you have filled a space in my heart that I didn’t know I needed filling.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.” -MLK Jr.

Archie Hayes 
Parish Sexton

Archie joined the staff of St. Luke’s in 1985. He enjoys watching football (especially the Carolina Panthers) and shooting pool. He works tirelessly to keep the St. Luke’s build clean. He has lived in Charlotte for over 40 years.


 Kristen Conner, President
Sara Mueller, Vice-President
Rebekah Woodward, Secretary
Pete Schmidt, Treasurer

Emily Phillips, Lisa Rhyne, David Sweet, Jon Wolff, Tom Ainsworth, Erin Pushman-Aldred 

© 2024 St Luke's Lutheran Church